Private Events


Adding personality & originality to any event!

Making lives events memorable through celebrating both private & corporate occasions on big & moderate scales. Adding joy, interaction & value while gathering the right audience & invitees around you through a wide variety of events’ services. From events conceptualization, design, decoration including flower arrangements & balloons, food catering, creative media solutions, entertainment, advertising social & digital media solutions & much more.

event services

7PQRS excels in delivering unforgettable party theme services, exclusive dinner venues, and high-end photography for your wedding anniversary or engagement parties, family dinners, or other social gatherings.


Those individual yet universal milestones are always better celebrated with friends & family in a unique warm or even lavish ambience. We help you achieve the best memories on this day.

Bachelors party

Setting up a party to kiss your single life goodbye is the fun challenge we always look forward to. You dream theme & we make it happen to secure an entertaining & memorable occasion to look back to.


Setting up workshops for private and corporate occasions to emphasize on bonding, teamwork & interaction between the participants. Creating meaningful memories that last.

Gender Reveal

While the guests are surprised by the reveal we are here to surprise you with creative & unique ways to reveal the baby’s gender.


They revolve around special memories & dates and it is exactly what we perfectly create for you & your loved ones through detailed concepts & set ups.

Pet party

Your fur babies deserve great memories & experiences. We help you celebrate their special days with exceptional events.
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